Sunday, September 25, 2011

AIS/D, A Great Place to Be

Mama is always encouraging to share my life on here.... "Everything you do is exciting hunny!"  So, here goes...

I was going through my camera and found my videos of a recent elementary school assembly (we have one every other Thursday morning, led by a different class each time).  They are my favorite!  They also make me cry... every week!  (Thanks Mama... I'm totally turning into a huge sap... I blame your DNA)  Everyone is speaking in different languages.  The fifth grade class that performed most recently, spoke in at least 10 different languages!!  The audience is so appreciative, patient and respectful.  It's a beautiful thing!  We have an inherently transitive, although amazingly supportive and welcoming, school environment and we sing the hello song (where we say hello in as many languages as possible) to any new students:

Hello, Bonjour, Buenos Dias,
G'Day, Guten Tag, Konichiwa
Ciao, Shalom, A Salaam A Lai Kum
Hello to all the people of the world.

We come from different places,
from all around the world.
We speak in many different ways.
Though some things might be different
we're people just the same,
and we all like to sing and play.


There are people in the desert,
and people in the town,
and people who live down by the sea.
If we could meet each other
to run and sing and play,
then what good friends we all could be.


 We sing the goodbye song and have students give personal testimonies for each departing student who is moving to another country.  We sing our special Happy Birthday song to everyone who has had a birthday since the last assembly.  And of course, we have to sing the elementary school song!

The lyrics are too cute!  And when I watch all my little Kindergartners, just 5 years old, from all around the world singing together, it's just too much!!

"We come from many lands, some near some far away.
We gather here today, our voices loud and clear.
We are all one family at AISD.
AISD, a great place to be.
Respecting, caring, giving and sharing, 
growing, learning and knowing,
We are all one family at AISD.
AISD, a great place to be!"

It really is :)  (Too cheezy? Sorry, I'm totally leaving it.)  Also, as I'm editing this post at school, a few kindergartners are singing the school song as they write... SO cute!

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